Annual Accounts

Memorandum & Articles of Association

London Office

Click on the map below to see how to get there. Our actual location is marked with a red circle. We are located on the corner of Commercial Road and New Road. The nearest tube is Whitechapel on the District, Hammersmith & City and East London lines. By bus take the 15, 115, 720, 721 or D3:


153-157 Commercial Road

London E1 2DA

Telephone: 020 7780 3200 (please telephone between 10.00am and 4.00pm)

Fax: 020 7780 3201

Office hours:  Our offices are open between 10.00am and 4.00pm. If you need to contact you caseworker please do so during these hours. Please do not come to the office unless you already have an appointment or it is an emergency.

Electronic mail for general enquiries. We do not offer advice via electronic mail:

[email protected]

Services Provided 


We run advice sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday on asylum and protection based human rights issues. We also provide a 24 hour and weekend emergency advice service.


We provide representation for persons who have claimed asylum. This includes assistance in preparing for ,and representation at full asylum interviews with the Home Office or Immigration Service, and assistance in completing applications with detailed written submissions to the Home Office.

 For those granted refugee status, we provide advice and representation on obtaining travel documents, making applications for family re-unification, extensions of leave. We also assist clients who we have been representing throughout their asylum claim with applications for British nationality.

If you would like us to provide you with representation, you should contact our Advice Team. Please note that our resources are limited and we cannot assist everyone who seeks our help.


We provide representation to appellants at appeals before the adjudicator and the Immigration Appeals Tribunal. If you would like us to provide you with representation at appeal, you should contact our Advice Team. Please note that our resources are limited and we cannot assist everyone who seeks our help.

Judicial Review/Court of Appeal 

In appropriate cases, we provide representation to applicants seeking to challenge decisions by way of judicial review or, where possible, by way of an appeal to the Court of Appeal. This service is only provided to existing clients of the RLC.

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Copyright © 2002 Refugee Legal Centre
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 January 2006