Annual Accounts

Memorandum & Articles of Association

NEWS - The RLC has Office Space to Let in London

About our Services


All of the services provided by the RLC are provided subject to availability.

Our Services are Free

The Refugee Legal Centre is funded through two principle sources:

The Legal Service Commission (LSC), which funds the majority of our advice work.
Section 81 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, which provides funding for all asylum and human rights appeals work.

All individuals who approach the RLC for representation will be means tested.


We are subject to the regulations of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC).


The Refugee Legal Centre operates a strict confidentiality policy and any information provided to us by our clients will not be disclosed to any third party without consent from the client. Any individual or organisation that works with us on a client's case is also bound by the terms of our confidentiality policy.

Special Needs

Our London office is wheelchair accessible. We endeavour to provide for all special needs; please alert us to any special needs you may have. We provide interpreters and can arrange for home visits to be made.

Bail Applications

The Refugee Legal Centre does not have the facility to assist in bail applications for detainees who are not being represented by us.

Equal Opportunities Policy

We are committed to promoting equal opportunities and will not discriminate on grounds of race, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation in deciding whether to accept instructions from clients. We endeavour to provide an equal service to everyone, limited only by the availability of resources.

Client Feedback and Complaints Procedure

If you use our service you may be asked how you feel about them and be asked to complete a Client Satisfaction Questionnaire available from our reception or your caseworker.

The Refugee Legal Centre is committed to providing a professional quality service to anyone who seeks our assistance. If you are unhappy about any aspect of our service, a detailed "complaints procedure and complaints from" can be obtained by telephoning or writing to the Director, Refugee Legal Centre at our London Office. The Director will ensure that the appropriate manager deals with the complaint.

RLC Home Page
Copyright © 2002 Refugee Legal Centre
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 May 2005