Annual Accounts

Memorandum & Articles of Association

Leeds Office

Click on the map below to see how to get there. Our actual location is marked with a red circle:


5 Butts Court

Leeds LS1 5JS

Telephone: 0113 245 2819

Fax: 0113 245 2824

Electronic mail for general enquiries. We do not offer advice via electronic mail:

[email protected]

Services Offered

The RLC office in Leeds is funded by the Legal Services Commission and we represent asylum seekers at pre-decision and post-decision stage.

We have a team of advice and representation caseworkers who run an advice service that is open from 9.30- 3.45 Monday-Wednesday and Friday. Clients are usually seen on an appointment basis and can make appointments by telephone or in person. We are happy to accept referrals from other agencies, subject to capacity.

Our advice and representation team provide representation to asylum seekers on pre and post decision matters.

We have two teams of appeals caseworkers who represent clients at their appeal hearings. They prepare and present appeals in front of the Special Adjudicator at the Immigration Appellate Authority. We can refer appeals to the Immigration Appellate Tribunal down to our Tribunal team in our London office.

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Copyright © 2002 Refugee Legal Centre
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 May 2005